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Free Sight Association (FSA) is a youth association active at the national level in the 24 governorates of Tunisia From December 26, 2011 where the majority of members, staff and volunteers are young people from all regions of the country. Since its creation, FSA has focused on building the capacities of young beneficiaries of various programs (mentors, change leaders, liars, facilitators, elected members of municipal councils, disadvantaged young people) where gender equality is a cross-cutting approach. in all projects. FSA aims to defend the rights of women and the rights of young people by promoting gender equality, the prevention of violent extremism, leadership, the dissemination of the culture of peace through various face-to-face and digital activities such as the capacity building, dialogues, community activities, awareness campaigns, production of knowledge (curricula, studies, research and surveys), exchange of experiences and good practices between national, regional and international associative actors; but also through forms of artistic expression such as theatre, audiovisual production (short films, documentaries). FSA is the founder of “ALTERNATIVES”: Festival of Alternative Cultures for gender equality.

" We are Against women discrimination "